Aggressive Representation For Injured Pedestrians
Roads have gotten safer in recent years thanks to advances in traffic control, city planning methods and vehicle safety systems (particularly backup cameras that make it easier to see behind the vehicle and alert systems that tell the driver if a pedestrian or bicyclist is in a blind spot), but the simple fact remains that pedestrian accidents are far too common across Florida and around the country.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that nearly 5,000 people die in pedestrian accidents annually and more than 75,000 are injured. This means that, on an average, a pedestrian is injured every seven minutes in an accident, and one dies every two hours.
If you or someone you love has been hurt in a pedestrian accident in Tampa or anywhere in Hillsborough County, contact the experienced personal injury attorneys of Culpepper Kurland for compassionate, aggressive representation.
Pedestrians Can Suffer Catastrophic Injuries
Due in no small part to the vast size and protection disparities between people walking and those inside the protective passenger area of a car or truck, when a pedestrian is involved in an accident, the injuries can be catastrophic. Pedestrians can suffer a wide range of devastating injuries, including:
- Complex bone fractures
- Crush injuries
- Nerve damage
- Spinal cord injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Paralysis (full or partial, resulting in paraplegia or quadriplegia)
- Internal injuries
Crosswalk And Intersection Accidents Can Be Serious
Pedestrian accidents are often caused by negligent drivers. Drivers have a responsibility to share the road in a safe and careful manner. When that duty is breached, pedestrians can pay the price. To keep pedestrians, bicyclists and fellow motorists from harm, drivers must follow basic — yet vitally important — rules of the road to minimize the chances of an accident. These include:
- Avoiding driving while distracted or under the influence of alcohol
- Obeying traffic control signals and signs
- Obeying the speed limit
- Yielding the right of way to pedestrians and cyclists when appropriate
- Using turn signals, particularly at crosswalks
- Making adjustments to account for weather or road conditions
Even if you exercise the utmost caution, it is still possible that you could be involved in a pedestrian accident on a Tampa road. If that happens, you have legal rights and there may be options to help you recover compensation for your injuries.
Call Us Before To Talk To An Insurance Company
Before you speak with the at-fault party’s insurance company, call the experienced injury lawyers at Culpepper Kurland; failing to do so could jeopardize your chances for a successful claim down the road. Call us at 813.228.8600 or send us an email. We are available for a free consultation 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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