Motorcyclists often suffer when drivers fail to see them on the roads. A crash between a car and a motorcycle in Clearwater last week serves as a reminder of the importance of noticing motorcyclists on the road. A Seminole motorcyclist was killed in last week’s crash.
The crash occurred when the motorcyclist was driving south on a Clearwater road and a northbound vehicle made a left turn in front of the motorcyclist. Whether the driver of the vehicle noticed the motorcyclist at all before the collision is unclear. As it was daytime, failing to see the motorcyclist because of darkness is very unlikely.
However, it is noted in a report about the accident that the driver of the vehicle is 82 years old. If the driver of the car did see the motorcyclist, it is possible that this older driver inaccurately judged the motorcycle’s speed and distance from his car when he decided to make his left turn.
Regardless of the driver’s actions immediately before the accident, this crash demonstrates the importance of watching carefully for motorcyclists at all times. This applies to drivers of all kinds-whether they are operating trucks, cars, SUVs, or a motorcycle. This man’s life cannot be brought back, but other lives may be prevented from being lost by improving driver watchfulness for motorcycles.
The man killed in this accident may have left behind children or a spouse. His loved ones may encounter significant difficulties as a result of his death. Filing a wrongful death lawsuit may be worthwhile if it is determined that the crash resulted from the other driver’s negligence.
Source: Tampa Bay Times, “Seminole man dies in Clearwater motorcycle crash,” Dec. 13, 2012