Dedicated To Helping Injured Construction Workers

Both building construction and road construction work can be extremely dangerous. Every year, hundreds of construction workers are injured — or die — on the job because of unsafe working conditions, defective equipment or the carelessness of others on the job site.

Truck drivers or delivery drivers may hit construction workers because they were not paying attention when driving in or out of construction sites. Road construction workers can be struck by passing vehicles when motorists fail to heed construction road signs.

These accidents can cause serious head injuries, back injuries and electrical burns that can leave construction workers off the job for weeks, months, even years.

If you have been injured in a construction accident, contact the law office of Culpepper Kurland online or call us at 813.228.8600 to schedule a free consultation. Our firm is dedicated to getting results for injured construction workers in the Tampa area and around Florida.

You May Be Entitled To Compensation Beyond Workers’ Comp

An injury caused by your employer or a member of your crew qualifies you for Florida workers’ compensation benefits. However, if you were injured because of defective equipment, negligence by another work crew or a third party on the work site or because of any third party’s actions, you may be entitled to seek damages through a personal injury case.

Examples of causes that could give rise to a third-party personal injury or wrongful death claim include:

  • Crane accidents
  • Falls from defective scaffolding
  • Excavation cave-ins
  • Defective nail guns and other power tools
  • Safety equipment failure
  • Electrocution from unsafe electrical wiring

We Understand Construction Accidents

At the law office of Culpepper Kurland, our attorneys have been protecting the rights of injured people in the Tampa Bay area for more than 10 years. We understand how construction accidents can happen and how to investigate third-party claims. We have legal investigators on staff to help us prove your case.


Contact Us Anytime For A Free Case Evaluation

If you have suffered a serious injury in a construction accident, contact a Tampa injury lawyer at Culpepper Kurland for a free consultation. Contact us online or call 813.228.8600.