Looking out for others at all times on the road is a basic responsibility for all drivers and motorcyclists. When a motorcycle accident occurs, whether in the Tampa area or elsewhere, any driver involved is required by law to render aid to the victim if possible and report the incident to authorities. Whether or not the accident is the fault of the driver, leaving the scene of an accident is always a bad idea.
The recent arrest of a 45-year-old Valrico woman can serve as a reminder for drivers to remain at the scene of a crash. According to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Department, on May 15 the woman injured a couple in Brandon when her sports utility vehicle struck the motorcycle the couple was riding. Instead of helping the injured couple, the driver allegedly drove away even after the male victim looked straight at the driver and asked for help. Both victims were hospitalized and released but have been advised that recovery from their injuries may take as long as six weeks.
The male victim later rode with sheriff’s deputies around the area looking for the suspect vehicle. It was found covered approximately two miles from the suspect’s home in Valrico. The alleged hit-and-run driver now faces hit-and-run charges and driving with a suspended or revoked license. Deputies report that the driver in question turned herself in to authorities on June 5, three weeks after the accident.
Motorcycle accidents are more likely than other motor vehicles to injure or kill. In such a case, the injured party or surviving family members typically face financial challenges due to the costs of treatment and recovery. If negligence was a primary factor in their accident, then victims may wish to speak with a legal professional about the options available to obtain compensation.
Source: WTSP, “Hit and run driver of couple on motorcycle turns herself in,” June 5, 2014