Large trucks, such as 18-wheelers, semi-trailer trucks and tractor-trailers, play a significant role in the nation’s economy, and even businesses in Tampa, Florida. Thus, the number of trucks traveling our roadways will remain steady over the coming years. As this happens, both drivers and truckers should know how they can share the road safely and free from possible trucking accidents.
The number of traffic fatalities involving large trucks is a problem throughout the United States. It is also a concern to safety organizations, such as the American Automobile Association. In order to help drivers and truck operators, the AAA provides a guide that highlights possible causes of truck accidents. Trucks are larger and heavier types of vehicles than passenger cars, and inevitably a truck operator often has a harder time seeing other vehicles sharing the road with them.
Trucks have four blind spots that every driver should avoid in the presence of large trucks. A motorist may not be visible to a truck driver if he or she is driving in the front no-zone. The front no-zone is 10 to 20 feet in front of the truck. The same applies with the rear no-zone, which extends to 200 feet behind the commercial vehicle. Drivers are advised to not “hangout” on either side of the trucks because truckers due to these large blind spots on both sides. A sudden lane change or swerve may increase the risk of a truck accident. Every driver is advised to maintain a safe distance in the presence of large trucks. Avoiding the no-zones or truck driver’s blind spot may significant reduce the risks of a truck accident.
On the other hand, truck drivers must do their part as well. They should be aware of a left turn or change lanes. Truck operators must undergo proper training before driving commercial trucks.
Source:, “Sharing the Road,” accessed on Jan. 26, 2015