Motorcyclists in Florida are undoubtedly aware of the possible dangers that they face when out on the open road. Those risks can be mitigated by adhering to the rules of the road, wearing protective gear, being visible and riding safely. Contrary to conventional belief, a motorcycle accident does not necessarily have to happen because of a rider acting irresponsibly. A motorcycle accident victim can face devastating injuries that can lead to a lifetime of struggle and pain. It can even result in a fatal motorcycle crash. When there is a motorcycle accident, it is important that the person who was hurt or the family left behind has legal assistance in conducting a full investigation to determine what happened.
A 21-year-old man was injured in a motorcycle accident involving a sheriff’s deputy. That accident occurred shortly before 8:00 p.m. as an undercover officer driving an unmarked vehicle pulled out of the parking lot of a donut establishment directly in front of the motorcycle. The motorcycle’s lights were on, but the deputy did not see the bike. In addition, the motorcycle was traveling well under the speed limit of 40 miles-per-hour and attempted to stop, but the motorcycle skidded into the police vehicle.
The man on the motorcycle is expected to survive. However, he suffered serious injuries. According to the sheriff, the man is paralyzed from the mid-chest down. He also had two collapsed lungs and his liver and kidney were lacerated. He suffered bleeding in the brain, his spinal cord was cut in two locations and he has a fractured spinal column. In an unusual instance, the sheriff’s office has already admitted that the deputy was at fault. The deputy received various citations because of this accident.
In this accident, it is obvious that the man on the motorcycle will need a significant amount of help for the rest of his life. Even those who suffer less severe injuries in a motorcycle accident will face the possibility of lost wages and medical costs. Those who have major injuries will have to deal with the expenses, inability to hold a regular job and other costs that arise with caring for someone who is paralyzed.
People who are involved in a motorcycle accident, like this one, need to understand their legal rights. Even when the other party is clearly at fault, legal action may need to be taken in order to collect compensation from the negligent party.
Source:, “Sheriff: Deputy at fault in crash that paralyzed motorcyclist,” Chris Cato, Jan. 14, 2016