This blog recently discussed the dangers of truck accidents for victims and families. Victims of some types of accidents involving commercial vehicles such as busses or taxis may have heard the term ‘common carrier’ and wondered what it refers to and what the significance of a common carrier is. At their most basic level, common carriers transport people or goods from one place to another for a fee and have certain duties of care for their passengers.
A significant amount of trust is placed in common carriers. If a common carrier has been negligent, it may be liable to compensate the victims for their damages. Many common carriers are regulated by the government, and are always required to exercise the highest level of care for the safety of passengers they are transporting. Common carriers also have a duty to warn passengers of potential dangers when a reasonable operator would have known, or should have known, that a dangerous condition was present.
There are a variety of different methods of proving negligence in a personal injury claim. Personal injury claims provide a resource for victims injured by the negligence, or carelessness, of another party. Victims of accidents involving commercial vehicles and common carriers may suffer damages including medical, financial and emotional harm. As a result, they may be able to recover damages, including medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering damages, through a personal injury claim for damages.
When victims suffer injuries in commercial vehicle accidents, they are likely to face certain challenges associated with the recovery process. As a result, legal processes are available to help them recover compensation for the physical, financial and emotional damages associated with a commercial vehicle accident.
Source:, “What is a Common Carrier?” Accessed Aug. 29, 2016