In Florida, it is illegal to drive while impaired, but some drivers may wonder exactly what that means. The legal blood alcohol content level limit in Florida is .08, and drivers who drive with blood alcohol content level equal to or above this limit may face criminal consequences and penalties. Additionally, they may also face other legal consequences, including a claim for damages brought by the victim or victim’s family for negligence. Criminal charges or citations may be used as evidence of negligence if a claim for damages is brought against the drunk driver.
Because of the increased risk of harm and serious damages that commercial vehicles can cause, drivers of commercial vehicles are subjected to higher standards. Drivers of commercial vehicles may be considered impaired if they have a blood alcohol content level of .04 or greater when driving. Injuries and harm suffered by victims of drunk driving accidents can be significant and may impact them physically, financially and emotionally for the rest of their lives.
As a result, victims of drunk driving accidents may be able to pursue a claim for damages against a drunk driver, or other negligent driver, for the recovery of compensation for the physical, financial and emotional damages they have suffered. For victims who have suffered medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering associated with emotional toll an unexpected drunk driving accident can take on victims, legal options may be available to help them.
Victims of drunk driving accidents can pursue a personal injury claim for damages to help with the challenges they are unexpectedly left facing following a drunk driving accident. The legal process is designed to hold drunk drivers accountable and help victims with the difficulties commonly associated with a drunk driving accident.
Source: Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, “Florida DUI and Administrative Suspension Laws,” Accessed May 27, 2017