With its sunny skies and warm weather for most if not all of the year, the Tampa area is a great place for people to walk or ride a bike. Of course, these pedestrians and bicyclists have to be mindful that they are often sharing the road with motor vehicles, and the drivers of these other vehicles need to look out for them.
Unfortunately, drivers can make a number of mistakes behind the wheel that can result in a serious or catastrophic injury for a pedestrian. Indeed, if one averages out recent statistics we can expect a pedestrian to die in a car accident every two hours of the day. A pedestrian suffers a significant injury in an accident approximately every seven minutes.
There are lots of ways a motorist can fail in his or her duty to watch out for pedestrians who are alongside or crossing the road. One of the most basic things is that a driver needs in order to ensure safety is to be attentive while behind the wheel, which means that he or she is sober and not distracted. A drunk or distracted driver, such as a driver using his or her phone while driving, can easily fail to see a pedestrian and subsequently hit him or her.
Drivers can also make more common, but certainly not acceptable, mistakes like speeding or simply blowing through a traffic control sign or signal. Sometimes, a motorist can forget to signal or fail to take proper precautions when driving in inclement weather.
Our law office has seen all types of cases, including pedestrian accidents where victims are left with serious injuries. These serious injuries can include head and spinal cord injuries that can leave a person paralyzed. Even seemingly minor harms can leave a victim with significant damages, which may include medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Our experienced attorneys know how to handle all types of pedestrian accident cases, and we work hard to help injured pedestrians fight for the compensation they need and deserve. This means negotiating diligently with the other side and aggressively advocating for our clients when their cases go to trial. When it comes to your future and well-being, you should expect nothing less than the best representation you can find. Therefore, your choice of attorney, should you choose to acquire one, is a significant one that should be made only after researching your prospects.