We can still help when the other driver doesn’t have insurance

On Behalf of | Aug 25, 2017 | Auto-Pedestrian Accidents |

A previous post on this blog discussed how uninsured motorists coverage works in Florida. Basically, assuming a Tampa resident bought the coverage when he or she purchased automobile insurance, uninsured motorists coverage offers an extra layer of protection in case he or she gets hurt and the other person did not follow Florida’s laws about having automobile insurance.

Uninsured motorists coverage is also useful when a person, say a pedestrian, gets struck and seriously injured and the driver takes off, never to be located.

However, even if a person has this type of coverage on their insurance policy, they might not know exactly what to do after being injured in an accident and discovering that, even if it was the other person’s fault, there is just no realistic way he or she will be able to collect from the person who really deserves to pay.

Our law office can help with these types of issues. Whether the need for uninsured motorists benefits arises because of a hit-and-run or because the driver just did not have automobile insurance, we assist our clients with filing a claim for uninsured motorists benefits with their own insurance company. In these claims, we make sure to ask for everything that our client is entitled to, including compensation for lost wages, unpaid medical bills, ongoing expenses caused by the accident and pain and suffering.

However, as with other personal injury cases, the injured victim is going to have to prove he or she is entitled to compensation, even though he or she is working with his or her own insurance company. This can often be difficult because an insurance company may have incentives not to pay the full amount of compensation. There are also special issues that arise in cases like these which may present extra wrinkles. We help our clients navigate through these extra hoops so that they can get the full financial safety net they paid for when they purchased their insurance.


attorneys Brad Culpepper and Brett J. Kurland