Pedestrians and cars aren’t a good match

On Behalf of | Jun 5, 2020 | Auto-Pedestrian Accidents |

Being a pedestrian can be hazardous to your health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data shows that drivers struck and killed nearly 6,000 pedestrians in the United States in 2017. That equates to approximately one fatality every 88 minutes. Emergency room doctors treat almost 140,000 pedestrians for non-life threatening injuries every year. CDC data also reveals that pedestrians are 1.5 times more likely to be killed than motorists traveling in vehicles.

Alcohol plays a massive role in causing pedestrian deaths. CDC statistics show that it’s a factor in nearly half of all auto-pedestrian cases. The federal agency’s data shows that one-third of pedestrians who perish in crashes have blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) of at least 0.08. Nearly 20% of drivers who become involved in pedestrian crashes have the same BAC.

Senior citizens and children are at an elevated risk for pedestrian deaths and injuries. CDC data shows that 20% of all pedestrian deaths and 10% of all injuries involve individuals over the age of 65.

Those same statistics show that at least 20% of pedestrian fatalities involve children under the age of 15.

A vehicle’s speed also matters. CDC researchers have discovered that the faster a motorist travels, the higher the chance they have of striking a pedestrian. These types of crashes tend to result in catastrophic injuries for all parties involved.

Pedestrians are most vulnerable to being struck while jaywalking at night. Individuals can significantly reduce their chances of getting struck by walking on the sidewalk instead of in the street and by only crossing at intersections. Pedestrians should walk facing traffic and avoid using their phones or listening to music while they do so. Pedestrians shouldn’t go walking if they’ve consumed drugs or alcohol. They should also wear reflective clothing and use a flashlight whenever possible at night.

In a battle between a car and a person, the motor vehicle wins every time. The shell of an automobile provides motorists with a bit of a wall of protection or buffer zone. It absorbs some of the force of impact of the crash when it happens. Pedestrians can suffer catastrophic injuries with nothing to protect them. An attorney here in Hillsborough can evaluate your Florida case and recommend the best course for you to pursue.


attorneys Brad Culpepper and Brett J. Kurland