If you have ever gotten behind the wheel while a little sleepy, you are not alone. Every driver has been tired while operating a vehicle at some point, but there is a difference between being a little sleepy and dangerously fatigued. Overly tired drivers can be...
Commercial Vehicle Accidents
Tired drivers could be endangering others on Tampa roads
When you are driving down a Tampa-area road, you probably do not assume you will be involved in an accident on your way to your destination. However, you are still cautious and careful, making sure that you remain attentive to the rules of the road and the actions of...
Legal help for victims of commercial vehicle accidents
Commercial vehicles, including buses and taxicabs, are held to a higher standard than the average driver. Drivers are always held to a reasonable standard of care in terms of the level of care and caution they are expected to exercise when they operate their vehicles,...
Commercial vehicle accidents often result from preventable errors
A mistake in any context can cause problems for Florida residents who are left to clean up the aftermath of the error. Nowhere is this truer than in the context of a motor vehicle accident. One distracted or intoxicated driver can cause an accident that hurts many...
Liability for commercial vehicle accidents can be far-reaching
An automobile accident between two Florida residents may be a frustrating event. Even if the parties are not hurt and only suffer damage to their property, they are often caught in a complicated process of sorting out insurance, having their vehicles repaired, and...
Could an untreated sleep disorder put you in harm’s way?
Trucks are critical for the American economy, yet they also represent one of the biggest safety threats on the road. When these large and heavy vehicles collide with other vehicles, they can cause significant and catastrophic consequences. Because of the damage these...
Is Florida’s new distracted driving law effective?
As a Florida driver, you are probably aware of the extent of the distracted driving problem in the state. You have probably shared the road with drivers who are texting, emailing, looking at Facebook, eating, adjusting the radio or doing various other things while...
Federal regulations aim to prevent commercial vehicle accidents
Commercial vehicles are a common sight on Florida roads, specifically buses. People travel to and from work and shops on city buses. Other buses transport people from one part of the state to another, for business or pleasure purposes. However, it is important that...
Commercial drivers are able to prevent jackknifes
One of the scariest things a Tampa resident may see on or alongside the road is the site of a truck that has jackknifed. Usually, the vehicle will be twisted in to an awkward shape, and it may even lay on its side. Unfortunately, there is a reason why a jackknifed...
Should there be tighter regulations in the rideshare industry?
After a night out with friends, you may not be able to safely drive yourself home. Instead, you may call Uber or Lyft for a ride home. Rideshare companies are increasingly popular as many people choose to pay someone to drive them,...